FFE create white paper for EU Elections

04. Jun 2024 / Category: News

The European elections are of primary focus and the need for countries to consider the choices and possible consequences for equines in the priorities is key.

The Federation Francaise d’Equitation (FFE) have done considerable work on the topic and the areas candidates should be aware of from an equine perspective.

We strongly advise member federations to review this information and consider their own approaches to help elevate the equestrian needs in the face of new candidates. The EEF will follow on this to provide support on the topic.


The French Equestrian Federation (FFE) has adopted its own White Paper with a view to the next European elections, in order to raise candidates' awareness of the challenges of equestrian activities.

This White Paper develops nine proposals from the French Equestrian Federation to support horse riding at the dawn of the European elections, which will be held in France on June 9, 2024:

I. Horse riding, an agricultural activity

  • For a fair and uniform application of the Common Agricultural Policy
  • For European recognition of the agricultural nature of horse-related activities
  • For European statistics on equines
  • To take into account the particularities of equine movements in the new regulation relating to the protection of animals during transport

II. Horse riding, a sporting activity

  • To encourage organized sports practice
  • For the protection of the European model of federated sport

III. Horse riding, a tourist activity

  • For a modification of the package travel directive
  • For consideration of equestrian activities in European policies promoting soft mobility


  • For the maintenance of a MEP Horse group