EEF Board video conference on 12.12.2023

Theo Ploegmakers President & Chair
George Dimaras 1st Vice-President
Quentin Simonet 2nd Vice President 
Eleonora Ottaviani Board Member & Athletes Representative 
Nayla Stössel Board Member

Elisabeth Max-Theurer

Board Member 
Soenke Lauterbach Board Member
Simone Perillo Board Member 

Alan Andabaka

Board Member
Carina Mayer Secretary General (excused)
Hanfried Haring EEF Honorary President
Teodor Sheytanov Sport Development Manager
Alice Ward Communications Manager 
Ulf Bromster Sustainability Chair

For Discussion: 

1.1 Review of regional meeting in Mexico 

An review of the meeting took place and the importance of such meeting was reiterated by all. Optimizing ways to engage the NFs and gain their insights should be sought and time management for the overall meeting to allow all elements to be fully discussed noted.

1.2 Situation Helgstrand/Longines EEF Series

Following the release of footage and subsequent actions by the Danish National Federation the EEF will clarify the situation of the Host Agreement with Helgstrand Events and seek an amicable solution ASAP.

1.3 EEF/NF Secretary General meetings

QS raised that following the discussions in Mexico there appears scope to meet more than once a year with the SGs. It is proposed this could be done in March around the deadlines for rule change submissions and then later in the summer ahead of the EEF and FEI GAs.


For Information:

2.1 New KEP agreement / Digital Strategy

An update on the KEP renewal was given which in turn includes a new digital strategy created by the communications department to support the activation of the partnership. This will be presented to KEP tomorrow and we hope for swift feedback to confirm the renewal.

2.2 Working Groups 2024 

A new overview for the WG structure and communication has been created to create a more organised workflow and allow WG feedback to be obtained in good time for the EEF board to consider and support any subsequent rule change proposals. Letters will be sent to all WG chairs this week outlining the requirements.

2.3 Calendar EEF 2024

The calendar was presented including confirmation of the EEF GA 16-18 September in Tallin. All approved.

2.4 Competition for NFs outside the LLN

TS and TP will travel to Dubai in January to continue conversations regarding a group VII competition that could be open to European NFs as well.

2.5 Update SG Carina Mayer

A short update was given on Carinas condition which continues to be closely monitored. More should be known in March with regard to her return to work.