EEF Board video conference on 08.08.2023

Theo Ploegmakers President & Chair
George Dimaras 1st Vice-President
Quentin Simonet 2nd Vice President 
Eleonora Ottaviani Board Member & Athletes Representative (excused)
Nayla Stössel Board Member

Elisabeth Max-Theurer

Board Member
Soenke Lauterbach Board Member
Simone Perillo Board Member 

Alan Andabaka

Board Member
Carina Mayer Secretary General (excused)
Hanfried Haring EEF Honorary President
Teodor Sheytanov Sport Development Manager
Alice Ward Communications Manager 
Ulf Bromster Sustainability Chair

For Discussion:

2.1 EU Championships: business plan  
Following the report compiled by Will Connell, GD/TP have created a business plan with a potential structure to support the running of the EU Championships, with the primary proposal to expand the EEF core team as opposed to hiring an external management company.  

Consideration was given to the number of areas that will be managed by EEF and services that may be required for an OC (e.g IT, broadcast considered) and questions raised regarding any current FEI contracts that may continue into EEF tenure (FEI TV  CMH/sponsorship, first right refusal for Longines).  

2.2 EU Championships: budget  
Within the presentation of the business plan, the budget proposal was been made. 

There was discussion regarding the budget in the opening years to support the initial setup with particular regard to legal, communication and commercial. Clarification for the income streams is required and this will be reviewed and the budget revised.   

The board approved the plans, with adjustments to the budget. It is noted this is not yet an item for presentation at the General Assembly, without the initial approval from the FEI. 

A related discussion took place regarding OCs fee’s and the regularity of Championships in the youth categories, with support for the continuation of yearly events shown by the board. 

2.3 FEI Rules and Regulations revisions  
QS gave an overview with feedback that sustainability and horse welfare is having greater impact on some rules. In Endurance, the FEI proposal is consistent with European expectations. 

EMT the Dressage WG have thoroughly discussed the changes with a majority support but there are areas of clarification required. A full overview has been sent to the board for reference. 

GD, the Jumping WG had no major technical issues for discussion and will support the member NFs on any items raised. 

EO – From the IJRC there is concern from riders regarding the new social media policy, where the FEI can apply sanctions or suspensions. A letter will be sent to the FEI regarding this with support of the IDRC.  

2.6 Project in Ukraine   
TS updated the situation in Ukraine is still very difficult with access to hay and feed for the horses and electricity in the areas. His contacts have requested if an additional donation is possible for the clubs.  

The board approves an additional contribution. 


3.1 Carina Mayer  - On Leave 

Carina is currently on sick leave and it is agreed a message will be sent to the members to inform them of the status and that TS will be managing matters in her absence. AW to send to board before sending to members.  

3.2 Longines EEF Series HOY 

Six horses have been nominated and will be taken through to a public vote with the winner announced in Warsaw. Cuma 5 (AUT), Enjoy de la Mure (ESP), For Killy (SWE), Impian D (NED), Lord Mexx (GRE), Oeli R (AUT) 

3.3 General Assembly 

TS provides an update on the schedule, with the meeting to be in the morning and concluded before lunch. Board agrees TP will chair the meeting in Carina’s absence. 

3.4 FEI Elections 

The selection committee chair position will move forward to an election. EEF will encourage member NFs to participate in this matter. AW to prepare a message for members. 

3.5 Member Survey 

Board supports the decision to send a survey to NF members to measure satisfaction and opinions. Members to send any question or suggestions, AW to create template and send before GA 

3.6 Secretary General Meeting 

SG Meeting was held last Friday. An update on EU matters, potential legislation (transport was raised by UK as an issue they would like to coordinate on) and funding opportunities from the EU.  

3.7 Allocation of EEF GA 2024 

Estonia would like to host in 2024, the offer is noted and will be checked against the previous correspondence Carina has had with them. San Marino may also have interest in hosting which will be confirmed.