EEF Board in person conference on 20.09.2023
Participants | |
Theo Ploegmakers | President & Chair |
George Dimaras | 1st Vice-President |
Quentin Simonet | 2nd Vice President |
Eleonora Ottaviani | Board Member & Athletes Representative (excused) |
Nayla Stössel | Board Member |
Elisabeth Max-Theurer |
Board Member |
Soenke Lauterbach | Board Member |
Simone Perillo | Board Member |
Alan Andabaka |
Board Member |
Carina Mayer | Secretary General (excused) |
Invited | |
Hanfried Haring | EEF Honorary President |
Teodor Sheytanov | Sport Development Manager |
Alice Ward | Communications Manager |
Ulf Bromster | Sustainability Chair |
For Approval
1.1 Minutes board Meeting
Approved minutes from the August tele-conference
1.2 Agenda GA 21-09-2023 Prague
To be included in the AOB, the results of the survey to show the member feedback, we will also display the sustainability website.
1.3 EEF GA 2024 Tallin Estonia
All are in agreement to host in EST. EEF to follow up and create an agreement.
1.4 Annual Report 2022-2023
Simone was mistakenly omitted from the list of directors within the report, this will be corrected.
Update of the budget due to a change in the expected/received invoices in the figures for last year, which has been explained to the audit committee and reflected in their report.
Report is approved.
1.5 Budget 2023-2024
In the budget as presented two changes were made.
In the 21-22 Budget a loss, due to the late receiving of invoices from the previous year, had to be shown. To avoid this in the results of 2022-2023 we have made reservations for invoices not received yet (only as performance invoices) at value of ca 90.000 Euros
The membership fees received in the first half year will be split and 50% of the fees will be booked in the second half year. Project costs will be presented in the GA to show the breakdown of the budget into relevant tasks. Budget and projects is approved.
The budget includes a membership of the EOC. Membership of this organization will l allow the EEF to have greater presence and action in EU matters. It is approved the EEF will join the EOC.
1.6 Longines EEF Series calendar
The 2023 series was successful with a very good final last weekend in Warsaw. The bonus’ will be calculated for the U25 and Final double clears and awarded.
Season 2024: we can bring a 2nd regional qualifier back for region west with an event in Luxembourg. Most of the contracts with the OC’s will end in 2025. Only a few will end in 2024. Discussions about new contracts, extending contracts etc will start in 2024. after an evaluation of the exciting OC’s have been made.
The south-central semi-final is likely to return to Budapest, although final discussion will have asap to take place. Once a date is confirmed we can communicate the dates to the NFs.
The transport and road management costs are under review to seek more cost-effective methods; for example, producing additional fences and materials rather than transporting a single set. Updates will be provided.
Meetings will be held in October with KEP Italia regarding renewal of the contract for 2024. It is suggested an audit of OC sponsors is carried out to better inform any potential EEF partnerships.
For Discussion:
2.1 Central IT system
To support the internal workings of the EEF, a central system is required to allow for effective and efficient work. It is proposed to use Dropbox as the management system. This is approved.
The system setup and management will be confirmed with access controls and presented back to the board for use.
2.2 EU Championship
9 October meeting is set to present the operational plan to the FEI. The presentation is discussed in detail with major discussion within:
- Reasoning and benefits of EEF management (to be re-written by UB and TS)
- Organiser fee model and structure
- EEF internal structure to support the management of EUCHs, both in number and cost of staff
- Budget model
- FEI contribution
2.3 Sustainability platform
The Board are shown the new sustainability platform website to better promote and share the EEF sustainability work. It is agreed that this will be shown during the GA.
2.4 Endurance competition Saudi Arabia
It is expected there will be a vote for the World CH 2026 in the FEI Board meeting at the FEI GA. The board discussed the potential bids from Samorin and Saudi Arabia.
2.5 U25 European Championship
Update from GD on the Danish and Nordic request for an U25 Jumping championship. A NF survey was held, then a round table with NFs/chefs in early September.
The Board is in favour to continue with the proposal and asks GD to take it to the FEI.
2.6 Meeting EEF-FEI Board Mexico
TP, SL, QS, NS, EO, SMT are present for the meeting in Mexico.
2.7 Suspension of Members
Two unpaid members; European Pony Club and International Group of Equestrian Qualifications. They will be put forward for suspension tomorrow during the GA.
2.8 Survey
If time, this feedback will be shared in the AOB tomorrow (General Assembly)
AOB – Recorded in annex 1
Katarina Liberi (GRE NF) has been collecting feedback from the LES events for sustainability with good feedback and engagement from Organisers. The outcome of this should be discussed in the end of season review.
GD/ TP have developed the EU-CH business plan that shall be ready to share with the board for discussions.
GD shared a proposal of the “Grandslam for youth” which is a concept from the CSIO Bratislava in partnership with Peelbergen and Gorla Minore. The board are asked to check the documents and send their feedback to GD to then take to the Jumping WG if the concept is supported.
QS will have a discussion with GL Events, responsible for sustainable and social impact to gain understanding and shared learnings.